La Ley de Hofstadter: ¿Por qué los Programadores Nunca Terminan a Tiempo?

Contexto ¿Cuántas veces, como programador, has afirmado “Estoy a punto de terminar!”? Sin embargo, ese “casi” parece extenderse hasta el infinito. La explicación a esto podría residir en un concepto conocido como la Ley de Hofstadter. La Ley de Hofstadter La Ley de Hofstadter es mas un dicho/hipótesis que una Ley (aunque se experimente mucho) propuesta por el doctor Douglas Hofstadter.

Using i3 WM on MacOS with Yabai and Skhd

Transitioning from Linux to MacOS Having used Ubuntu/Pop_OS for several years both personally and professionally, I’ve become well-versed in the Linux ecosystem. I have numerous scripts and a comprehensive list of programs, along with my dotfiles for easy configuration. However, upon switching companies, I was required to use a Mac.

Have you heard of rich?

Have you heard of rich? Honestly, I don’t remember how long I’ve been following Will’s work, but I find it very interesting and educational. Among Will’s work are rich and textual, both projects designed to extend the use of the terminal. One thing you can see in Will’s work is the modular design.

Better git stash workflow

Better git stash workflow Sometimes, while working, I stash changes to switch to another branch or something similar, make some changes there, stash again, and then want my changes back. This is when everything becomes slow. It’s not the most common practice, but when it occurs, it’s quite a hassle.

st with colored emojis

The Context: Does this sound familiar? I was working as usual when, after executing black src, my terminal just vanished. There was no apparent reason for this. However, since I use tmux, everything was still intact. I opened a new st terminal, but it was impossible to attach the tmux session without causing a crash in st.

Configurando red mesh usando 2 routers AX3600

No se cuantas horas he desper… invertido en tratar de configurar la red mesh pero hoy por fin lo he conseguido. Aqui dejo los pasos que he seguido para abrazar el exito en esta empresa. La receta Fuente original: Todo desconectado Enchufa solo la electricidad y Reseteo de fabrica del router (ambos).

Graphic Tablets

Using xsetwacom Here you will find anything you need to know about Graphics tablet: What I’m using is: 1 2 apt install xsetwacom xsetwacom -h Common usages 1 2 3 $ xsetwacom set <stylus-PID> MapToOutput <display> $ # the smart version $ xsetwacom set $(xsetwacom list | grep "stylus" | awk '{print $8}') MapToOutput $(xrandr | grep connected | grep -v dis | awk '{print $1}' | fzf --height 10% --reverse) Use always the stylus’ PID with:

Huberman Sobre la Sal

Cómo la Sal Afecta Nuestra Salud y Rendimiento La sal se relaciona con la presión arterial y regula el apetito por sal y azúcar. El “sistema de la Sal” influye en salud, rendimiento atlético y cognitivo, envejecimiento y demencia. Más o menos sal beneficia a diferentes personas según parámetros.